जल्दी शादी के उपाय–Jaldi Shadi Ke Upay in Hindi–(TOTKE FOR EARLY MARRIAGE)

जल्दी शादी के उपाय totke for early marriage

जल्दी शादी के उपाय

कई बार शादी में हमें बाधाओं का सामना करना पड़ता है, बनते-बनते बात बिगड़ जाती है. तो कई बार हमारे पास रिश्ते हीं नहीं आते है. आइए जानते हैं कुछ ऐसे उपाय जिन्हें आजमाने से आपकी शादी से सम्बन्धित बाधाएँ दूर हो जाएँगी. और आपकी शादी जल्दी हो जाएगी. तो आइए हम जानते हैं कि आपको क्या करना चाहिए और क्या नहीं.

    • हर दिन नहाने वाले पानी में एक चुटकी हल्दी डालकर स्नान कीजिए, इससे जल्द विवाह की सम्भावना बनती है.
    • अपने शरीर में हमेशा कोई-न-कोई पीला कपड़ा पहनें या रखें. आप अपने पास पीला रंग का रुमाल भी रख सकते हैं.
    • हर बुधवार को गणेश भगवान की पूजा करें, सिंदूर, रोरी चढ़ाएं… दीपक और अगरबत्ती दिखाएँ. दूब घास, और पीले रंग के लड्डू जरुर चढ़ाएं. उस दिन नमक न खाएं. ध्यान रखें यह पूजा शुक्ल पक्ष से शुरू करें.
    • एक गमले में पीपल का छोटा सा पौधा लगाएँ. पीपल के पौधे को हर दिन पानी दें और अगरबत्ती दिखाएँ. यह काम भी शुक्ल पक्ष में शुरू करें
    • हर गुरुवार को गाय को रोटी खिलाएँ, उसके साथ थोड़ा सा गुड़ और चने की दाल भी ले लें.
    • बुजुर्ग लोगों का अपमान कभी न करें.
    • जिन लड़कों की शादी में परेशानी आ रही हो, वे “क्लीं कृष्णाय गोविंदाय गोपीजनवल्लभाय स्वाहा” मन्त्र का हर दिन 108 बार जाप करें. और साथ हीं
      “पत्नीं मनोरमां देहि मनोवृत्तानुसारिणीम्। तारिणीं दुर्गसंसारसागरस्य कुलोद्भवाम।। इस मन्त्र का भी 108 बार हर दिन जाप करें.
    • ऐसे कमरे में रहें, जिसमें दिन भर प्राकृतिक रौशनी आती हो. कमरे का रंग उदास न हो.
    • शादी की बात करने जब कोई व्यक्ति आए, तो उसे इस तरह बैठाएं. जिससे आए हुए लोगों को दरवाजा न दिखे.
    • जब कन्या किसी दूसरे लड़की की शादी में जाए, तो कन्या के हाथ में दुल्हन के हाथों से थोड़ी सी मेहँदी लगवा ले.
    • जिस लड़के या लड़की की शादी न हो रही हो, उसके पलंग के नीचे कोई भी सामान या कबाड़ नहीं रखना चाहिए.
    • तुलसी के पौधे और केले के पौधे के पास हर दिन शाम में घी का दीपक जलाएँ. हर दिन श्रीसूक्त और पुरुषसूक्त का पाठ करें.
    • हर दिन ‘दुर्गासप्तशती’ से ‘अर्गलास्तोत्रम्’ का पाठ करें.
    • जो भी उपाय करें पूरे विश्वास के साथ करें, क्योंकि विश्वास के बिना हर उपाय असफल होगा. खुद पर विश्वास रखें और भगवान पर भी भरोसा करें.
    • केले के पौधे में हर दिन पानी दें, गुरुवार को केले के पौधे के पास दीपक भी जलाएँ.
    • अगर आप मांगलिक हैं, और इस कारण से आपके विवाह में दिक्कत आ रही है, तो आपको हर मंगलवार को चण्डिका स्तोत्र का पाठ करना चाहिए. और शनिवार के दिन सुन्दर काण्ड का पाठ करना चाहिए.
    • विवाह के समय जब लड़की और लड़का आपस में बात करें, तो दोनों को दक्षिण के तरफ मुंह करके नहीं बैठना चाहिए.
    • यदि लड़की की शादी में रूकावट आ रही हो तो, 5 नारियल लीजिये.. भगवान शिव के फोटो के आगे रखकर “ऊं श्रीं वर प्रदाय श्री नामः” मंत्र का पांच माला जाप करें. फिर वो सारे नारियल शिवजी के मंदिर में चढ़ा दें.
    • हर दिन सूर्य को जल चढ़ायें, जल चढ़ाते समय ऊं सूर्याय नमः का जप करें.
    • चांदी का एक चौकोर टुकड़ा अपने पॉकेट में रखें.
    • विवाह की बात करने जाते समय घर से निकलते वक्त गुड़ खाकर निकलें.
    • हर दिन शिवलिंग पर कच्चा दूध, बिल्व पत्र, अक्षत, कुमकुम आदि चढ़ाएं.
    • ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रों स: गुरूवे नम: इस मन्त्र का 5 माला हर गुरुवार को जाप करें.
    • अगर आप मांगलिक हैं, तो हर मंगलवार को हनुमान मन्दिर में घी का दीपक जलाएँ. और हनुमान जी पर सिंदूर चढ़ाएं.

      Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

      Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

      website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com

शादी में रुकावट दूर करने के टोटके (TO REMOVE INTERRUPTION IN MARRIAGE)

शादी में में रुकावट दूर करने के टोटके

शादी में में रुकावट दूर करने के टोटके

हम आपको कुछ उपयोगी टोटके बताने जा रहे है जिसे अपनाकर आप वैवाहिक सुख, विवाह में रही बाधा, शादी में रुकावट इत्यादि में आ रही परेशानी को दूर कर सकते है ,एवं सुखी जीवन यापन कर सके है, ये सभी टोटके शास्त्रनुसार है ,जिसका फल धीरे धीरे परन्तु मिलना निश्चिंत है

 (1) शीघ्र विवाह के लिये: विवाह के इच्छुक युवक युवती को प्रत्येक गुरुवार स्नान वाले जल में
एक चौथाई चम्मच हल्दी डालकर स्नान करना चाहिए। हल्दी के स्थान पर केसर भी उपयोग किया
जा सकता है ,
(2) गुरुवार को आटे के दो पर थोड़ी हल्दी लगाकर थड़ा गुड तथा चने कि गीली दाल गाय को दे तो
 उनके विवाह का योग शीघ्र ही बन जाता है। और विवाह में आ रही अड़चन दूर हो जाती है।
(3) मांगलिक होने के कारण अगर विवाह में अड़चन आ रही हो तो कन्या प्रत्येक मंगलवार श्री
 मंगल चंडिका स्त्रोत का पथ करे तथा लाल मूंगे कि माला से निम्न जप करे
[‘ॐ ह्री श्री क्ली सर्व पूज्य देवी मंगल चण्डिके हूँ फट स्वाह ‘] 
         इस मन्त्र के साथ सुंदर कांड का पाठ भी करे
(4)विवाह सम्बन्ध बनते बनते टूट रहे हो तो पूर्णिमा को किसी भी वट वृक्ष कि 108 परिक्रमा
करने से विवाह कि विघ्नता दूर हो जाती ,गुरुवार को वट वृक्ष या पीपल एव केले कि वृक्ष पर जल
 अर्पित करने से भी विवाह कि बाधा टूट जाती है ,
(5) मंगलवार को  प्रातः सूर्योदय काल में एक सुख नारियल ले उसमे तीन ग्राम बुरा [ पीसी हुई
 शकर ] तथा 11 रुपए कि पंचमेवा मिला ले कर नारियल में एक बड़ा छेद करके उसमे बुरा और
 पंचमेवा भर दे इसको किसी पीपल के निचे थोडा गढ़ा करके दबा दे ,जो शकर बचे उसको उस गढ़े
के ऊपर डालकर एक पत्थर रख दे जिससे कोई पशु उसे निकल न सके ,ये उपाय सात मंगलवार
लगातार करे, लड़कियो को अगर बिच में हो तो माहवारी के समय ७ दिन बिच के छोड़ कर फिर से जारी कर
 सकते है ,इस क्रिया को करने के लिये सोमवार को सारा सामान इकठा कर ले और सोमवार रात्रि
के बाद और ये क्रिया करने तक पानी नहीं पीना है ,सात मंगलवार करने के बाद चमत्कार स्वतः
ही आपके सामने आ जायेगा , अगर शादी में किसी भी प्रकार की रुकावट आ रही हो या शादी में देरी (Delay
In Marriage) हो रही हो, मनचाहा वर या वधु का ना मिलना, रिश्ता हो कर टूटना, तो ये दिए गए उपाय
जरुर अपनाकर देखें अवश्य लाभ मिलेगा इन टोटको को करने से पहले से निचे दिए गए नम्बरों पर सम्पर्क
अवश्य करे ताकि इन टोटके को करने का सही तरीका और विधि समय के अनुसार करने से आप अपनी
समस्याओ का समाधान कर सके


Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com

Islamic Prayer Against Black Magic

Islamic Prayer Against Black Magic

Islamic Prayer Against Black Magic

As Salamualikum Dear Brother And Sister

Islamic Prayer Against Black Magic There are so many black magic cure which are floating on google. Though, they are even effective also. The important aspect is that, it should be easy, powerful and very short in duration. So that even a layman can get benefits from this. This is why the title is black magic in Islam, Powerful, Quick, Easy Home Cure. These days, there are numerous Maulvis, Babas, and Alims etc. who practiced black magic in order to put a spell on someone and also to provide a treatment for black magic too.

Prayer Against Black Magic

Doing a black magic on someone is a grievous sins in Islam. Anyone who does that must seek forgiveness for all sins from ALLAH Ta’ala that he committed. Before providing the details of black magic in Islam and it’s cure an individual must check whether he/she has black magic on him/her or not. You should read this lovely post on How to Check Black Magic in Islam? Once the person is 100% confirmed with the symptoms of black magic. He can go ahead with the home treatment.

The most common and frequent causes for black magic is the level sweetness in the blood gets low in comparison with the level of salt. Such blood, further, circulates in the entire body and then enters the 2 million veins of the human mind and travels therein. This effects those veins which are basically responsible for the senses within the human body. Due to this a patient who is effected with black magic symptoms feels more sprain and stress on his shoulders.

Breake Black Magic

The black magic practitioners, through putting a spell, created the problems in marriage of the daughter. Through this powerful remedy Insha ALLAH surely, those innocent daughters of Ummah who have been refrained to get married will get a lifetime cure. The most common and frequent practice across the world, specially in Muslim nations. If you are not sure that a black magic is done on you or not. You can check black magic here.

A person effected with black magic, magic spells, evil spirit, witchcraft develops strange behavior like laughing without any reason to laugh. He will start crying, screaming, and abusing others for no reason. He becomes subconscious, faint including black out. He will spontaneously becomes conscious. There are wandering spirits who are in search of mentally weak human beings. These spirits, for their sabotage make such human being victim. These spirits prey on them. In the end, they captivate those mentally weak human beings which will finally becomes prisoners for them.


Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com




Hello! Friend

Love is the thing, which can bind you or anyone with other one, after then that other person becomes special for you as you become special for him/her. Love teaches us the best way to live the life with happiness and fun. Love is the precious feeling of everyone’s heart, it can neither be created nor be destroyed for someone special for you. Love just come in the heart and goes from the heart itself. Love is the God gifted love liest feeling of heart ever on the earth. Moreover, our youth and young generation destroying their career as well as their health also running behind the lost love. They don’t focus more on their studies if once they are captured by love. Today’s they are more concentrated and serious about love. If love didn’t get lost anywhere or come back into their life, until then only life remains normal like a heaven rather it becomes never less than a hell. Love gives the real eyes to everyone to watch out the real color of life, love creates the beautiful scenario of dreams. Love is relied upon some facts that should be residing in between two which are following:

  1. Truth:if you have to win the trust of someone in love, then start practicing to say the truth, because one lie can break or damage the love relationship.

  2. Understanding:you both should have a good understanding and communication with each other

  3. Dedication:uou both should have dedication towards each other.

    Absence of any one fact from the love, this can lead the love to the dead point, where with the breakage of the love relationship, heart of love also breaks down. In the beginning, you can pass some days without your love, but after some days passed away, the flashback of good memories surrounded you. Even after, you try harder to forget your love totally but you found yourself unable in it. With the breaking of love, all the dreams also get into the water. If still you found yourself serious towards getting your love back, then you may allow us to help you in this way of love come back to you through our Wazifa. If you give up with all methods of getting love back into your life again, then you may go through our Wazifa in Urdu make this possible. Our molana ji always ready to help such people on the way of making love with their best, short, and easy Wazifa in Urdu. If someone doesn’t feel comfortable with any other language rather than Urdu, then not to worry, here we also provide our all the Wazifa in Urdu to help you out from the problems of love in more better way. Our Wazifa works positively in order to love back to you, but if and only if they are used in a proper way. If you are following the way of performing Wazifa likewise the molana ji gives you, then only you will get sooner and marvelous result.


    Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

    Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

    website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com

Vashikaran Mantra to Attract Everyone

Vashikaran Mantra to Attract Everyone

Vashikaran mantra is the most effective method to acquire excellent consequence of the problem. This is mainly employed to catch the attention of every human being. This kind of time every person wishes to get this rule because they know their benefits. With the Vashikaran mantra to attract everyone method, you can control anyone, including your mate, girl, parents, boy, spouse and wife. This Vashikaran mantra is very effective to own one’s head and every difficulty maintain be resolved, such as worship, money and control more to someone. Vashikaran mantra is found in every single language of the world.

At this time, we will discuss with you about Vashikaran Rule procedures in your basic life which are thus:

Vashikaran Mantra to Appeal to Woman

Vashikaran Mantra to Attract Woman
Vashikaran Rule to Attract Lady

Vashikaran mantra has some psychic power if they are impacted, but it happens when they proved by chanting. This is a particular attraction mantra that is utilized to attract a girl. Usually girl has created lots of problems in relationship and even an introverted person’s lack of knowledge troubled the complete association. A high level00 boy and loves someone adolescent or the girl, but the girl does not have any love feelings for you. She totally ignores you when you come near her, then you can use our effective and powerful Vashikaran mantra.

Vashikaran Mantra to draw Son

This type of Vashikaran mantra is mainly used to attract boys because it is more powerful and strong in your common life. A condition, you want to attract a boy then we will concern this process. If you are a girl and want to acquire him because if you are crazy about him, then you can acquire by using a this method in your ordinary being. It is an precise appeal mantra that is employed to draw a son. We are providing a special kind of Vashikaran mantra, which is employed to attract boys in your frequent life.

Vashikaran Rule to Attract Hubby

Vashikaran Mantra to Attract Hubby
Vashikaran Mantra to Appeal to Hubby

The Vashikaran rule is specially used to catch the attention of your husband because this mantra is incredibly effective and helpful for any varieties of husband associated problems. This is a Vashikaran prettiness mantra, generally for each and every those women. This kind of mantra is employed for getting control on husband can help a wife to make their husband show up in love by means of them a further moment. This mantra is so powerful that your spouse will be in your knob completely. This individual will often be ready to fulfill the completion of your necessities. The electric power of Vashikaran mantra can renovate and respond busted relations by forgetting each and everything that occurred in your relative. Intended for appropriately utilizing the affect and effects of this Vashikaran mantra, you should speak to a specialist to guide you.

Vashikaran Mantra to Attract Better half

Most of person has an inclination to catch the attention of their preferred wife or woman thus they utilize it for the female as well as better half. In our country, some wives are in extremely trouble cause of their husband so they make use of it because of their husband after all everyone wants to have his life very easily or easily. Most of the wives complain that their husbands do not give them appropriate time in addition to matter. The boys can remove the complaints by simply simple recites of the Vashikaran mantra. Thus, if you wish Vashikaran mantra for your trouble, then you may contact us


Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com

Islamic Wazifa for Get My Love Back

Islamic Wazifa for Get My Love Back

Islamic Wazifa For Get My Love Back

Islamic Wazifa for Get My Love Back , ” The wedding is the most deliberate construction of a lifetime, to sustain smooth journey of marriage, it demands to give dedication towards it, and irregularities may intercept the relationship. Sometimes the parents they do not give permission to marry and tear the relationship apart but wazifa for get my love back definitely change your misadventure into an amazing joy of life and remove the remorse. If your girl left you for someone who is rich so Islamic Wazifa for getting lost love back will definitely show miracle and better chances that your girl will return back. Wazifa for love back in Hindi and wazifa for getting love come back in Urdu language are perfect measures that perform by those whose lives are in danger. Islamic wazifa for bring love back prevent any harm to you and your relationship and help to bring the lost love back in life. Strong wazifa for love back in the Urdu language has reunion many destroyed relationships, this strong Wazifa for love back by Islam is a most effective act of rescue your ex lover by using this mantra changes of winning is solid.

Islamic Wazifa for Get My Love Back

We are offering Islamic Wazifa for getting lost love back for Husband-wife and lovers. Today the man in highly society is unlikely get influence by the uncertified or extramarital affairs that brings concerns to ruin everything in relationship. Wazifa for bring love back helps to stop the husband’s will for other woman. Strong Wazifa for love back brings the husband back in family and unites him by brings the attachment into his heart, so that there won’t be any bad impact on the children. To avoiding it we message to divine powers and forces the rules to stop this happing by Wazifa for getting lost love back.

Strong Wazifa for Bring Lost Love Come Back in Hindi

Islamic counseling by our mohammad akbar khan ji who guide to use Wazifa for love back in Hindi and Wazifa for getting love come back in Urdu will play its significant role by producing the spells that put the touch of wife and shaded with the recognizance of compassion and order. Wazifa for getting love come back in Urdu language has changed many lives by bringing lost love returned in life.

The achievable outcome of the strong Islamic wazifa for get my love back is also activated freshness in this life, those who are deprived of the love and blessing in their love relationship will gain it again by Islamic Wazifa for bring love back, that can change your worries by its superpower. After the such regrettable pays by anyone and they are losing hope in life, are definitely seeking for good results by taking guidance of our famous astrologer who specializes in wazifa for love back in Hindi, mohammad akbar khan ji solved problems and provide supplying of blessing to thousands of his devotees. Islamic wazifa for get my love back has powerful attack over all the negativity around you and uproots the evil root of the problem so that you will never face again.


Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com

Get My Love Back In 3 Days

Get My Love Back In 3 Days

Get My Love Back In 3 Days

Want My Love Back

From the ancient times, astrology places a large step in the human life. They want to move their whole life under the guidance of a perfect astrologer i.e. Mohammad Akbar Khan Ji. A famous Black Magic Specialist of Want my love back. People typically use Vashikaran astrology with a desire to Want My Love Back. Vashikaran is normally used to Get My Love Back in life either it will be our ex or new one.

When your love ditches you, you’re feeling and emotion breaks and your life run against the track. You also know that no one relation is perfect in the world; it’s our duty that we have to make it perfect. In your life you really want to Want My Love Back In My Life then you have to follow some instruction of us in the first factor you have to keep faith and spirit on your partner, in the second factor always keep positive feeling for your partner, in the third factor be happy in front of your partner. These are all simple instruction that can follow easily in your life to Want my love back. Now we approach to the muslim astrology also, because it also plays a significance role in this matter. For your perfect and well settled life to Want my love back then in the world no one is comparable with Mohammad Akbar Khan Ji. Because his trick for love back are amazing.

It is a better approach for those people who are suffered from one sided love. Most of the people do not get the similar response from their lover, while those want to improve their relationship. Black Magic is also used when you want to handle a person’s life or mind, so that he/she looks like a dummy. The victim works according to our order, we can fulfill our desire with the help of this beautiful concept.


Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com

Rishton Ki Bundish Ka Tor Quran Se

Rishton Ki Bundish Ka Tor Quran Se

Rishton Ki Bundish Ka Tor Quran Se

Rishton Ki Bundish Ka Tor Quran Se ,” Kuch wood dushmani ki wajah se ya kisi aur wajah se larkio ke rishto ki bundish kar dete hain ya karwa dete hain effect ye hota hai ke unke rishte ana bund ho jate hain aur unki shadi ki umrain nikal jati hain. Alhumdulilah is amal ko aisy khawateen for each bhi azmaya gaya hai jo ke kafi arse se shadi ka intizar me personally borhi ho rahi thien. Arabi mahine ke start off ke pehle 15 dino me personally juma ke din start off karien behtar yahi hai ke pehle juma ko start off kiya jaye. Pehle juma ke din me personally 21 dafa Surah juma parhain aur start off aur end me personally 11 dafa Durood Sharif parhain aur Allah swt se achay Rishte ki dua karain aur aisa 3 Juma tak karain.

Agar ye amal larki na kar welfare to uski walida walid ya bhai behan bhi uske liye kar sakte hain lakin agar koi fish aurat kare for you to is bat ka khas khayal rakhe ke makhsoos ayaam me personally parhai na kare aur jub pak saaf ho jaye to isko continue kare aur agar kisi khas jaga rishta karna manzoor ho to parhai ke waqt uss rishte ka tassavur rakhain. agar kisi khas jagah maqsud na ho to phir wese this individual rishte anay ka tassavur rakhain. Inshallah aik mahinay ke andar andar rishte ana shuru ho jayien homosexual aur agar Allah ne chaha for you to achi jagah shadi hojaye gi.


Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com

Wazifa To Get Married Soon In Islam

Wazifa To Get Married Soon In Islam

Wazifa To Get Married Soon In Islam

Wazifa To Get You Marriage Soon In Islam ,” Your practice of reciting in addition to meditating done merely by Miya Sahib is actually Strong Wazifa to get you married soon. They pray to Allah to come up with impossible possible. Wazifa can be executed for many different reasons wish to be you married, to obtain people married quickly, to acquire folks married to someone you’re keen on. There are special Wazifa’s manufactured with regard to different purposes in addition to among them you must pick the best Wazifa which could be well fitted in your condition.

How to amass marry soon?

In several muslim nations there exists a belief that to face your family effectively you have got to need married as quick as is possible. Late marriage is called as bad for buying a family. Therefore, marriage have to be done in younger age only. A few are successful however, many are certainly not. Some might find difficult to obtain married out involving different reasons. Wazifa for purchasing you married soon will work for those people of which find difficulty within just marriage.
How Wazifa will probably be completed?
Before performing Wazifa you should make sure the particular reason that you intend to tend to end up being performing Wazifa is commonly correct.

Wazifa is completed after reading the particular Salah 5 situations. It is compulsory for just about every Wazifa. Some Wazifa also requires someone to be alone through the room while doing Wazifa.

Your clothes and body have to be clean while performing Wazifa and for men it is restricted to make a shave as it may break the sunnah about the prophet. Location and time have to be same every day to attempt to do Wazifa and whenever not possible and that means you must move every single child additional location next take your mat back on which men and women read your wazifa.


If you disobey or break one of the above rules and then Wazifa certainly would not work.

Don’t leave Wazifa between otherwise may very well not work.
If you intend to get married interior 11 days you then must perform any Wazifa marriage within 11 nights along with nights.

Wazifa to ensure you get committed in 11 times and nights
This Wazifa helps the person who wants to obtain married in the fortnight or as soon as possible. Like other Wazifas, this Wazifa also performed very much the same with the variation of some means. These steps are often explained below.

Each day following doing Esha Salah you might want to look on Darood/Salavat 11 situations for eleven times and nights besides after concluding the specific Wazifa do Dua everyday. During this period once you have a dream for you to get married then for this reason Wazifa is doing its job.

Among a amount of Wazifas you should select which great example may be best available for you and which you are approved.

Many muslims feel the comfortable when they have the Wazifa written interior Urdu. Wazifa possess different ranges while i. e. it can be purchased in Hindi and Your english language in addition.


Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com

Dushman Ko Barbad Karne Ki Dua

Dushman Ko Barbad Karne Ki Dua

Dushman Ko Barbad Karne Ki Dua

Dushman Ko Barbad Karne Ki Dua ” Ha Ya Hukku Bihaki Tunkafeel”. “Ya ka hiru zul batshi la yetuku Intakaam Ya mahiru ya qahiru”. Recite this amal 41 times per day till when it’s complete 3172.

Dushman Se Hifazat Ka Amal

Dushman se hifazat ka amal is useful for, guide yourself from enemies. When yourenemy want to harm you and giving you suffer and tries to make your life hard and panic, You should use this amal. This amal will protect you from enemies. If you have any fear from enemy you should recite amal of dushman se hifazat. Roohani amal is also very useful for protecting from enemies. Read this Rohaani amal 321 time in a day after

Dushman Ko Barbad Karne Ka Amal

“Allah uma manzil Kitabi mujriyas shabi Saree al hisabi Hazimal Ahzabi Ihzim- hum”.

Dushman Ko Marne Ka Amal

The enemy is the part of everyone’s life, we have to need remove our enemies from our life, otherwise they can give us problems in our life so dushmano ko marne ka amal is there for helping us. But please remember one thing that doesn’t use it for just small or genuine fights because you can lose a person from your life, may be possible they are good, but you have any confusion about them or something is misunderstanding between you and them. This amal is only used for big problem that have no any other way to solve your problem. Dushman ko marne ka amal can kill your enemy and make your life happy.


Email At:- vashikaranhusband@gmail.com

Call Or Whatsapp:- +91-9587275411

website:- https://lovemarriagewazifa.wordpress.com